Monday, February 16, 2009

AWP report !

This fragmented report is brought to you in part by Ramen noodles, which is all I can afford to eat right now after spending 5 dizzying days in Chicago.

and so - - - here we go - - - - >

* a panel of poets writing memoir, in which the inimitable & heartbreaking Nick Flynn read from his forthcoming work "The Ticking is the Bomb," alongside Carolyn Forche reading from her forthcoming work, "The Horse on our Balcony." I wept openly.

* a panel entitled "Where Parallel Lines Meet: Discussing Relations Among Our Various Contemporary Poetries" with Richard Silberg, Mark Doty, Rusty Morrison, Charles Harper Webb, Matthew Zapruder and Nickole Brown. While I very much want to study with Mark Doty someday, Nickole Brown .. .. I don't know if I have words for her yet. A changing force. I'd never even heard of her before AWP and now I want to read everything she's ever written, though saying that doesn't say enough. I bought her book "Sister," blushed to the core while she signed it.

* bought Noelle Kocot's new book, Sunny Wednesday (Wave Books)

* was happy to see Adam Atkinson at the Open Thread/Weave Magazine table & pick up a copy of Open Thread's first issue. So glossy & delicious. Happy to be published with them.

* was stopped in my tracks / recognized twice - once by Jeremy Schmall & once by Lillian Bertram, talented internet poet friends whom I've never met in person. Guess all those digital self-portraits have a use. Jeremy gave me a copy of The Agriculture Reader & I became enamored with this publication on the train back to Pittsburgh

* realized that I love The Dog Whisperer & the National Geographic channel's nature programs, partially because they contain hilariously mortifying stock footage of dramatic reenactments.

* realized that I will need to visit Josh in Boys-Town when it is warm enough to flounce around in something ridiculous to go dancing at the gay bars.

* realized (again) that the best part of Henry Miller is always Anais Nin.

Happy to be home.

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